Our starting view at VivaSana is the Hawaiian philosophy. For the Hawaiians, a certificate-document is not necessary, you do not get the wisdom on a piece of paper. Lomilomi training is not a one weekend training, it’s a whole life training. Decades of growth.
Small drops of wisdom are given by teachers, they let time to integrate, until next small drops of wisdom are given. In every similar training, we learn something new. We learn to be patience, we learn to observe, and to listen (and not to hear).
In total respect for all cultures, I write below which courses, certificates I followed and with who I have been trained and still training. Because it’s a whole life training.
Lineages (teachers) in Lomi Lomi & Ho’Oponopono:
- My children are my greatest teachers
- Amira Segal & Karin van Herwijnen
Amira Segal is trained by
- Harriet Pualani Sakuma
- Aunty Mahilani Henry
- Kumu Lawrence Kalaina Aki
- I Haleakala Hew Len (trained by Simeona Morrnah)
- Aunty Maile Napoleon
- Punahele Andrade “Kumu Hula”
- Jimmy Quitan
- Lei’ohu Ryder & Maydeen Iao
- Lei’ohu Ryder & Maydeen Iao (trained by Mahilani Poepoe and by Morrnah Simeona)
- Jimmy Quitan
- Jeanna Iwalani Naluai
Educations and certificates:
Hawaiian Healing & bodywork
- Hawaiian Lomilomi massage: Aunty Maile Style, August 2011, Malamalomi Amsterdam
- Aroma Raindrop Therapy, September 2012, Amsterdam
- Hawaiian Bodywork (Tempel Style), started in 2011, Havelte, Nederland
- Hawaiian Lua, started in 2013, Amsterdam & Hawaii
- Hawaiian Wawae, started in 2019, Amsterdam
- Dance Meditation Teacher, 2015, Havelte
- Ho’oponopono part I, started in 2017, Amsterdam
- Ho’oponopono part II, started in 2020, Amsterdam
- Ho’oponopono & Aloha Classes, started in 2020, online Maui, Hawaii
- Hawaiian language & culture, started in 2018, online Big Island Hawaii
- Ukulele workshop, started in 2018, by Lei’Ohu Ryder & Maydeen, Amsterdam
- Hula dance, started in 2012, by Punahele Andrade, Amsterdam & Hawaii
- To seek the Hawaiian knowledge, full month training October 2019, Hawai’i
- Assistant during Lomilomi Aunty Maile Style training, since 2020 (4x/year) Amsterdam
- Neurostimulation InterX beginners Training, Amsterdam
- InterX Therapy Conference, Advanced training, London, Dr Zulia Frost, InterXClinic
- Management of Complex Chronic and Neuropathic Pain with InterX, dr Zulia Frost
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture knowledge for use in InterX Therapy, dr Zulia Frost
- Rehabilitation & management Post-stroke, dr Zulia Frost
- Management of Chronic Lower back/Hip/Knee pain, combined therapeutic approach, dr Zulia Frost
- Frozen shoulder training InterX & RedLight, A. Segal
- Emergency , neural points, dr Zulia Frost
- Fascia release by Kinetix method, L. Reyns, Leuven
- Reiki , first degree volgens Usui-systeem van Natuurlijk Genezen, Juli 2013, Reiki Master Chris Hanssens , Crian Zaventem
- “Detox-training” Ontzuren & ontslakken, Feb 2014, Zonnevlecht Academie
- “Natural healing arts” Natuurlijke geneeswijzen, oktober 2016, Schoonheidsschool Antwerpen
- Footreflexology Thai, L. Reyns, Tradition Massage, Brussels
- Massage Thai, A. Daligault, Tradition Massage, Brussels
- Anatomy, september 2017, ICZO Antwerpen
- Fysiology, september 2017, ICZO Antwerpen